Hamworthy Heating


  • What does the fault code on my Hamworthy boiler mean?

    Our commercial boilers and water heaters will detect a fault and allocate a code that is shown on the control display.

    To help you identify common fault and error codes we have an online fault code finder. You simply enter the code and it will give you a potential cause and actions to take to overcome it.

    Visit the error code finder page.

    If you can't find the fault code please refer to the operating manual as these list all the fault codes and explanations per product. Copies of these manuals can be found on the Installer Guide page or Discontinued Products page.

    If you need further help then please contact our technical department on 01202 662500 or email [email protected]

    Please note any work on commercial boilers should only be investigated by a trained and competent person.

  • What is the maximum working pressure of the Wessex range?

    The maximum pressure rating of the Wessex is 10bar.

    This pressure is the maximum pressure that the boiler can be subjected to, or in effect the maximum lift pressure rating of the boiler safety valve.

    So to allow for a pressure buffer range of 0.7-0.8bar the maximum "working pressure" would be 9.2-9.3bar.

    See product


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